Best Wire Enamel Insulation Varnish for Electrical Devices | New Manthan Industries

New Manthan Industries is one of the top and most reputed companies in India. We are one of the top suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and producers of industrial chemicals; despite that, we have never compromised our products' quality. We have a dedicated professional team that ensures quality in the manufactured, supplied, or distributed product. The quality is ensured by various methods like tests, checkups, etc. We serve our products in various projects like semi-government, industries, institutions, etc. Our company is certified as ISO 9001:2015. One of the most riveting products in the catalog is Coatman Manvar 300 . It is an oil-based coating varnish & Solvent Based Air Drying Varnish 3.3. It is used in These Products Are Oil Based Coatings Intended For Application To Various Motors, Transformers, wire Enamel., etc. As a Wire Enamel Chemical manufacturer, we make sure you receive the best quality products, and our trust is maintained. Manvar 300 is a Wire Enamel Va...